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Lake Turkana Cultural Festivals

Original price was: $790.Current price is: $760.

Trip Summary:

This rugged 1,800 km expedition is run in our 4wd land cruiser or expedition trucks. We will traverse along some of Africa’s rough roads; see wildlife endemic to the North of Kenya, beautiful mountain forest surrounded on all sides by hot dusty deserts, eventually arriving at shores of the beautiful Jade Sea (Lake Turkana) as well as spectacular scenery it is the people of northern Kenya that make the most lasting impression; nomadic pastoralists such as the Gabbra, Turkana and Samburu whose adherence to a strictly traditional lifestyle and dress is practically unique in modern East Africa.


This itinerary takes you to the northern circuit of Kenya and while enroute, you will capture views of Mt Kenya on clear days from its foothills, the Marsabit-Lake Turkana cultural Festival will take place for the 15/16th consecutive year in Loyangalani town; on the shores of the awe-inspiring Jade Sea in June  (actual festival dates to be advised).


Additional information

Lake Turkana 2020

May 2020, June 2020, July 2020


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